May 06 2022

How to Land Your First Job After Beauty School

3 Steps to Success

Beauty school is usually an exciting time, filled with learning, creativity, and fun. But as you work toward the finish line, the next step – getting a “real” job in a salon –  can cause some anxiety. We’re here to help with tips on how to land your first job after beauty school.

Decide what you want.

The first, and often most important, step is one that can get lost in the rush to get a job – deciding what is best for you. It’s easy to give in to the pressure of wanting to get any job, but you don’t want to settle for taking a position in a salon that doesn’t work for you.

Take a breath, relax and think about what you really want. Here are some questions to consider. Will a salon help you build your book while you’re starting your career? Is mentoring available? How important is schedule flexibility to you? Do you have to pay for products? What type of clients will you be seeing? What type of environment will help you succeed? We suggest making a list of goals you want to achieve and how a salon can help you attain them. While you might not get everything on your list, it will help you be more focused.

Put yourself out there.

Regardless of what field you’re in, jobs don’t just magically land in your lap. You have to be assertive and let people know you are looking. Go to industry events. Pay attention to industry-specific news, blogs, books, etc. When salons visit your school, speak up. If you get an opportunity, such as being part of a show, do it! Put yourself in a position to get noticed.

You also shouldn’t wait until you graduate to start looking for a job. It’s only natural to want to sit back and relax after working so hard, but try to resist that urge. While you’re in school, you are truly immersed in the field. It’s also when you are most excited and most confident about your future and your potential. That’s the time to start your search.

Get social and socially acceptable.

You are probably already on several social media platforms, but now you need to shift into a more professional mindset. You need to present yourself as a brand. Be mindful of what you post because hiring managers will take a look. Be aware of swearing, negativity, excessive partying, and political posts. You may need to clean up old posts.

Now is a great time to start a purely professional social media presence where you can post all of your hairstyles and work. This can help with networking as well. We’re not recommending you become a new person, but now is the time to think professionally.

We have a great place to start your search.

Fantastic Sams is a great place to start your job search. Our family of stylists in the Minneapolis area are talented, respected, and always ready to welcome new stylists. Fantastic Sams is a great place to start and grow your career. Check out our career page testimonials to see why stylists at every stage in their career love it here.

To find out more about joining our well-respected and talented group of stylists in the Minneapolis area, check out our job listings and apply online today.




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